allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
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open, begin, commence, explain, say, disclose
  • RS. the door being opened with the hand thus there is light and things can be explained
  • hand pushing open the door of the mouth
ah, oh, final particle
RSdirector, officer, take charge of, control, manage, a (government) department
  • person leaning to the left in his chair giving one order after another
RS 𠳾𠽦𠿑shout, call, scream
RSsovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince, you, old boy
  • he governs and speaks justice; I revere you oh majesty; generally sovereigns are old men
; ; 殿; ;
still, but, decline, retreat
RSkidnap, abduct, turn
  • hand kidnapping someone with strength or weapon
cry of bird or animal, make sound;
𨌖𨍐𨍣𨍾𨎵 gather up, collect, edit, compile
  • listen to what people say , gather up the best slanders , and use a machine / to edit it
RS 𤧗𥤉𧇮 harmony, peace, peaceful, calm
  • countryside: where one can eat one's rice in peace and harmony
; ;
RS𠶻𦙃to whisper, to blame, to slander
  • mouth whispers into the ear slandering good people
RStell, announce, inform, accuse
  • using the mouth with horns
  • fortuneteller reads the future in the cracks of the burnt horns
RSroar, bark, growl
  • using the mouth with horns
RSbeer, character used in transliterating
  • humble liquid pleasing the mouth
RSnecessary, essential, necessity, important, demand
  • RS. hands around the head of a child () to be delivered from a woman : necessary to deliver a healthy child
  • an important western woman demands whatever she will
  • water spreading from a source
RSprotect, safeguard, defend, care
RSmouth, open end, entrance, gate, rad. 30
  • smiling mouth ; the mouth is where food and words enter and get out
  • con.: speak, box, pot, person, order
aid, help, assist, undress
  • image of a person with two eyes putting off his hat and being undressed from his clothes 𧘇: he's being helped
RSdull, stupid, simple
  • RS. modification of see , like a child: stupid
  • a tree that has a mouth : it looks stupid
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