allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
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RSspit, spit on, saliva
  • hanging down from the mouth : saliva
RScough, gargle, clear throat
  • man inhaling something from a package in his mouth in order not to cough
RSlaw, rule, open up, develop
  • RS. a kneeling dead man who has been beheaded : to take the law to people
RSlike, as, if, supposing, as if, as good as, equal to, to follow (advice), to listen to, to go to, to arrive at, should, ought to, on or in (time)
  • woman saying things like as if you should be supposed to listen to it
spurt, blow out, puff out, erupt, spout, emit, sneeze
  • something forging ahead from an opening
RSfinal exclamatory particle, how, what
  • words uttered after being hurt 𢦏
RS𠯈𠲎𤝜 bark, howl, cry
  • sound coming from the mouth of a dog
RShall, government office
  • place with decorated roof and windows
殿 ;
RS𡒒𡦛𡦦𤋩 𤍨𤒆𤒒𦏧𰀅well-cooked, ripe, mellow, familiar with
  • fire in the oven in which one is cooking
  • a skilled person who is familiar with the fire and enjoys preparing cooked meatballs for the children in the house to eat
RSswallow, absorb, drink, make light of
  • heavenly drink entering the mouth : person drinking makes light of his situation
RSstill, yet, even, fairly, rather, roof, esteemed, respected
  • RS. decorated roof of building with window ; people living there are in high esteem and are respected
; ; al. :
RSenjoy, receive
  • RS. (1) original of (2) simplification of (3) simplification of ( abv ) (4) see
  • child receiving and enjoying something to eat in the house
RSridicule, deride, scorn, jeer at
  • a mouth can ridicule anything even a powerful dynasty
RSreceptacle, vessel, instrument
RSwise, sagacious, wise man, sage, philosophy
  • one with a mouth like a hand with axe able to break through any boundary
RSpublic opinion, clamour, noise, ancient form of thunder
RSreceptacle, vessel, instrument
hear, listen, understand, obey
  • ethical 𢛳 king listening to and understanding his subjects who obey him
  • ⓢ orders should be listened to, understood and be "protected" : be obeyed
  • listening with ten eyes and your heart
  • listen to and obey the one who speaks with an ax
RS𠼙voice, throat
  • fruit from the mulberry tree is good for the mouth → good for voice and throat
RSstone, rock, mineral, rad. 112
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