allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
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virtue, ethics
RSomit, remove, withdraw
  • hand preventing another hand going to destroy a jug : remove or omit from destruction
penetrate, pervade, destroy, remove
  • RS. a hand destroying a jug (: fragile like the body of a baby): ; while walking on the road : penetrate
  • ⓢ go walking with seven times the force of normal people: penetrate into and destroy things
return, repeat, repeatedly
  • person 𠂉 (coming ) and coming repeatedly during a day : he keeps on returning
art, skill, special feat, method, technique
  • skillfully walking through the millet field with left and right foot without trampling the cereals
  • man doing magical tricks with glutinous rice on the street where crowds walks
  • ⓢ this tree has the special skill to grow rare fruits
RSvery, quite, much
  • one covers quite a distance when walking good
RSgo, depart, past, formerly
  • leader going forward on the road (now a thing of the past)
from, by, accompany, undertake, manage, attend to
  • RS. the one that follows (by foot ) on the road
  • ⓢ person following another person
RSstatute, law, principle, regulation, rhythm
RS𣁋𢼸 𠌝𢕄 𢕧𢼸𣁋𧗬small, micro, trifling
  • RS. a woman on the road with long hair 𣁋/𢼸: beautiful, humble and small
RSobey, comply with, follow, sequential
  • eye shielded to look ahead on the road to be followed (obeying the road)
RSmeasure, weigh, judge, consider
  • weighing fish 𩵋 on the scale: either balances left or right
urge on, rise up, stir, excite, to raise up, lofty
  • many people stop sitting still and listening to stand up and applaud before going out and telling everybody who wants to hear how good the performance was
RSwait, treat, entertain, receive
  • if you have a problem with your left foot go to the temple and wait until you receive treatment
; :
narrow path, diameter, direct
  • underground streams go through narrow paths
  • ⓢ walking a narrow path through the planted fields : going off the path will destroy crops; it is mostly a straight path leading you directly to the other side
RSgo, walk, move, travel, circulate
  • crossroads
  • step with the left foot and with the right foot to walk
; ;
RSstep with left foot, rad. 60
  • person setting a step with the left foot
  • left halve of
summon, levy, ask, sign
  • king knocking on his chair: sign to summon someone from the mountain to come
𩽚𪑛mold, mildew, bacteria, fungi
  • when every single day the mountains are hit with coming dark clouds fungi and mold thrives
behind, rear, after, descendants
  • if one walks with small steps with the left foot one lags behind all others and forms the rear of the party
  • ⓢ eating one mouthful after work at the factory
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