allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
humble, modest
  • humble speech from somebody harvesting grain
RSupright, honourable, honest, cheap,
  • RS. he who guards the grain in the silo 广 must be incorruptible; this only works when the grain is cheap
make money, earn, gain, profit, cheat
  • huge amount of money combined in a stack : money one has earned by cheating
RSdeficient, lacking, insufficient, regret, sorry, bad harvest
  • man with open mouth next to his sheaths of grain : crying (regret) because of the bad harvest and lacking nutrition
RShate, detest, suspect, criticise
  • woman hating the work on the fields being criticised
sickle, scythe, trick
  • metal tool to cut grain for storage in the silo
RSunite, combine, connect, and, equally, concurrently
  • RS. hand grasping two sheaths of grain : at the same time (concurrently)
  • con. work on the fields