allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
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RSpurpose, will, determination, annals
  • the mind of the master is purposeful, determined and moves according to his will
RSwhat? why? how?
  • when the mind comes across something for the first time , it wonders what it is
RSforgive, excuse, show mercy
  • women saying things so the heart forgives things
RSlong, far, remote, distant, leisurely, gentle, pensive
  • relaxed heart : gentle and leisurely in a pensive status thinking about remote countries
RSsorrow, grief, sorry, sad
sad, grieved, grief, melancholy
  • RS. a person who walks with the heart showing
  • ⓢ having a heart like a dog
RSbright, intelligent, wise
  • mind able to sweep hindering thoughts away: bright and intelligent mind
RSkind, charitable, benevolent
  • heart making clothing from plants for people: kind and benevolent
calm, peaceful, serene, healthy, would rather, had rather, would sooner
  • RS. the heart of a person who has a roof with food : peaceful person: he'd rather stay there than move about
  • ⓢ person sitting calm and peaceful under his roof
love, long for, yearn for
𢟝mournful, sorrowful, regardful, respectful, courteous
  • heart mournful and respectful for the many dead bodies made by a weapon
𢵃𢷝 collect, overall, altogether, always, chief
  • bind things together with thread in an agitated / way or by hand and transported by cow
  • ⓢ many things collected in the heart are told by the mouth
  • cows and animals are all the things dearest to the heart of a farmer
  • the mind is always the chief of the mouth or it would split altogether
RShatred, enmity, resentment, complain, blame
  • what the heart feels during long nights when turning over without sleeping
RScourteous, cordial, zealous
  • heart and mind being courteous for the arm working with clay
RSagitated, restless, hurried
  • a mind moving like smoke up a chimney / or like squirrels up a tree
RScomfort, console, calm
  • officer finding comfort and consolation in his mind
RSthink of, recall, study, wish, idea, thought
  • what is in the mind now
manner, bearing, attitude
  • a heart standing up to many people
  • ⓢ having a fat heart
favour, benefit, confer kindness
  • heart giving a spindle /𤰔 to someone concentrating /𤰔 attention on someone: favour
RSmore and more, even more, recover, heal
  • with approval of the heart one can get more and more or be healed
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