allograph (different shape but same meaning)
connotation as a character part
abbreviated, abbreviation
contracted, contraction
extended meaning
kanji, ideograph, character
literal translation from the Shuowen Jiezi
modified, modification
mijn hanzi, modification
opposite meaning or situation
when used as a character part
explanation according to Richard Sears (
one of the 214 radicals in the traditional character classification system
situation chosen for evoking this meaning
suffix for counting units of objects, etc.
Unclassified by Joseph De Roo.
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RS𣆪𡦩thick, deep friendship, to treat kindly, generous
  • kid holding a thick package on it's head: a present for his best friend
RSsmoothly, progressing, no trouble, pass through
RSinherit, receive, succeed, support, hear
  • RS. three hands holding a person : : receiving support and hearing his stories
RSto swim, to move or rove freely
  • flag signalling children it is ok to get moving and go swimming
RSexist, live, be, survive, remain, be aware of
  • the child/product of talent remains and is saved to survive for future generations who are aware of it
grandchild, descendent, surname
RSopening, hole, orifice, great, urgent
  • child in the corner making a hole in the wall: asks for urgent action from it's parents
RSorphan, fatherless, solitary
  • child hanging like a melon in the tree: solitary and fatherless
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